Title: Determination House: Slytherin Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: James and Sirius Author's Notes: When the wolf is away... __________
James was filled with determination. They were making their way to the bedroom. James knew that Sirius usually did this with Remus, who probably just let Sirius have the top position. James was not Remus. Sirius
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Title: The First Time House: Gryffindor Challenge: Shapeshifting Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Marauders Rating: G A/N: I don't know how they actually become Animagi; I don't know how they actually transform. But this is how I imagined it.
James was the first to get it right. Sirius had given up, and he sat on the floor of the Shrieking Shack,
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Title: Death Eater Material Challenge: Material House: Hufflepuff Word Count: 100 according to MS Word. Characters/Pairings: Luna Lovegood, Voldemort, others __________
Title: Secret-Keeper House: Hufflepuff Word Count: 100 Characters: James Potter, Peter Pettigrew; discussion of Sirius. Author's Notes: For the Companion challenge. The drabbles stand alone, but are best taken together. All word counts are from MS Word. For the most part, they're PG, though the last drabble has some swearing. Onoes.
Title: Always the Quiet Ones Words: 100 House: Hufflepuff Challenge: Forbidden Characters: Marauders, James’ parents. A/N: I'm sure Peggy Potter is a dear, but I still think this would fall under her heading of "forbidden activity." :lol:
Title: Stem House: Gryffindor Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Challenge: Hidden Talents Characters/Pairings: James Potter, Sirius Black, and Lily Evans Author's Notes: I know, but I couldn't help myself. It was the first thing that popped into my mind. It can kinna be considered a hidden talent...right?